Men for Ministry Online Forum Pt.1

Penetrating Postmodernism
In his recent interview with Men for Ministry we asked Rev. Iain H. Murray his take on postmodernism and preaching. His answer was candid and clear - the first business of preaching is not to address intellectual problems but to reach the heart and conscience. There would be few who would counter such logic.

Having said that, however, there is also a great need for us to know the times in which we live, and to be able to converse with and contradict issues and ideologies which stand against the gospel. With this in mind, the next few posts on this blog will contain video material from Pastor John Piper, defining and dealing with the issue of postmodernism. In these videos Piper is explaining the content of last year's Desiring God conference, but in so doing provides us with some interesting insights into the nature of postmodernism.

Our hope is that as you view these videos you might learn more, and be able to penetrate more keenly, the mindsets of those whom we are called to minister to. We also hope that this issue may generate some discussion, and we invite your comments, questions, and conversations in relation to the importance of understanding our times in order to be able to preach. We'd love to hear from you, and be able to sharpen one another's dependence on God, and concern to preach with reverence and relevance to our world.

1 comment:

calvin said...

Cool, keep them coming